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What Our Visitors Say

"This is such a great place to visit. We learned so much!"

Susan B. Anthony: Life & Legacy

Watch as students are transported to a time of simple living, delightful tales and period furnishings.  They will learn how a young Susan B. Anthony lived and how these familial and regional influences molded Susan B. Anthony into the activist she was destined to become.

Customize your educational experience by Grade, Curriculum Objectives, Class Size or Field Trip Length.


  • Hands-on Activities

  • Staff-led Museum Tour

  • Role Playing

  • Question & Answer Opportunity

  • Story Time

  • Garden Tour

  • Outdoor Picnic Grounds
    (weather and class size permitting)


Customized Programming


We can design a presentation or talk to the needs of your classroom or curriculum.  Qualified staff members will be happy to adapt museum experiences to meet IEP requirements, or any other student needs.


Sample Itineraries

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Classroom Programs

Grades K-3
Susan B. Anthony: Family Life

Reading by presenter of Susan by author Kristen Demeo.
Students will be given a glimpse into the early 1800s. Includes hands-on learning with replica toys, dress up box, chores list, and discussion of important events. Optional: Craft or Game.

Grades 4-6

Susan B. Anthony: Reformer

Presentation about taking action to better the world. Why did Susan B. Anthony become a reformer? Why did she get involved with the three main reform movements, Temperance, Abolition and Suffrage? How does this relate to our world now? 
Optional: Postcard Show & Craft

Grades 7-12

Technology of the 1800’s 
How did the Engineering Progress of the 1800’s affect the Anthony’s family business? Includes artifacts for manipulation.

Susan B. Anthony: American Reformer
Students are given an in-depth look into the world of Susan B. Anthony. What was the motivation for her activism? In what way did societal factors exist, limit or assist her in her work?

How is Anthony remembered today?

Temperance and Abolition: The Doorway to Suffrage
These presentations walk students through the earlier movements in which Susan B. Anthony committed herself. Students explore how temperance and abolition were a springboard for equality and leadership in women's enfranchisement. 


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SBABM from the comfort of your home

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The Susan B. Anthony Birthplace Museum

P.O. Box 244

67 East Road 

Adams, Massachusetts 01220


 © 2019 Susan B. Anthony Birthplace Museum, Inc.

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